Force Lodash Import Scope
How to enforce lodash import scope
Importing Lodash
There are multiple ways to import lodash utilities.
// whole import import _ from 'lodash'; // _.debounce(); // curly bracket / named import import { debounce } from 'lodash'; // one-by-one / modules / single method import import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
One of the recommended way to import it is one-by-one
or modules or single method
import as it will produces smallest bundle size.
Enforce Lodash Import Method
How about if our project is:
- maintained by multiple people, or
- we have various parts in our code which utilize lodash
and we want to enforce specific way to import lodash methods?
We can use eslint and there's an eslint plugin for it: eslint-plugin-lodash
. This plugin has a rule named import-scope
. Here's how to configure it:
pnpm i -D eslint eslint-plugin-lodash
// .eslintrc.js /** @type {import('eslint').Linter.Config} */ module.exports = { plugins: ['lodash'], rules: { 'lodash/import-scope': [ 'error', 'method' /** 'method' | 'member' | 'full' | 'method-package' */, ], }, };
With this configuration, eslint will warns us when we import lodash methods using other than the preferred import scope.